
Les grandes religions et les systèmes de croyances ont façonné, et façonnent encore aujourd’hui en grande partie, la manière dont nous formulons nos idées, notre éthique et nos valeurs. Witty détecte non seulement les termes antisémites et islamophobes, mais aussi les expressions plus subtiles qui ne laissent pas place à la diversité religieuse.

Les grandes religions et les systèmes de croyances ont façonné, et façonnent encore aujourd’hui en grande partie, la manière dont nous formulons nos idées, notre éthique et nos valeurs. Witty détecte non seulement les termes antisémites et islamophobes, mais aussi les expressions plus subtiles qui ne laissent pas place à la diversité religieuse. 

Unconscious bias

unconscious_bias Belief

Wording pigeonholing people of a certain belief or unconsciously expressing one belief as the standard; thereby devaluing other beliefs. 

Basic Example
Advanced Example

Slurs + hate speech

openly_discriminating Anti-semitism

Do you write this expression on purpose or as a “it’s just a joke”? Try to take the perspective of a person of Jewish faith: It is extremely offending to them because it defames them as human beings due to their religion. Using it has consequences for the whole social group as it creates or reinforces a prejudice against Jewish people. 

openly_discriminating Islamophobia

Do you write this expression on purpose or as a “it’s just a joke”? Try to take the perspective of a person of Islamic faith: It is extremely offending to them because it defames them as human beings due to their religion. Publishing it has consequences for the whole social group as it creates or reinforces a prejudice against Muslims.