Gender binary

Enforces the traditional binary form of gender

To welcome people of all genders, avoid limiting people to traditional gender roles, gender identities, and gender expressions.

Illustration of a diverse group of people of diffent gender identities, ages, ethnic backgrounds, and body shapes who are all LGBTQUIA+

Grundlagen Beispiel

Erweitertes Beispiel

From baby colors to family roles to segregated bathrooms, the idea of a two-gender world touches every aspect of society. We are taught to presume a gender based on biology. Once assigned, this gender becomes part of who we are to others. It sets expectations: how to look, how to behave, and who to love. And it stays - for life.

But our understanding of the gender spectrum is growing in leaps and bounds. Society is changing. Help all gender identities feel safe and free to express themselves. Share your pronouns. And ask yourself, "What would I write if this person wasn’t a specific gender?"


Hello everyone, We're thrilled to announce the highlight of this year's fundraiser: an auction featuring high-end masculine apparel donated by a local fashion creative. 


Ladies and gentlemen, We're thrilled to announce the highlight of this year's fundraiser: an auction featuring high-end men's wear donated by a local fashion designer

Wen diese Sprache nicht einbezieht?

  • Menschen, die zwischen Mitte/Ende der 1990er und Anfang der 2010er Jahre geboren wurden
  • Menschen, sich nicht (nur) als weiblich oder männlich definieren
  • Menschen in der LGBTQIA+ Gemeinschaft

Warum das so ist

The gender binary is a social and cultural construct. It classifies all people into one of two genders - female or male. These genders are assigned at birth based on a child's biological sex. Societal norms set gender-specific expectations for looks, clothing, and behavior. They determine how a gender should move and speak, their role in public and in private, and the gender they should feel attracted to. Non-conforming gender identities and expressions are noted – and judged, even penalized.

The gender binary ignores the complex reality of gender. A person's internal sense of their gender can change, not only throughout their life but throughout the day. A person may feel their body, assigned cisgender, or social gender does not reflect how they themself identify, express, or experience their gender. 

The more we learn about gender, the less we know. It's younger generations who raise awareness of gender diversity. Younger people are more accepting of gender identities beyond the binary. They're more likely to experience their own gender as fluid. And Gen Z are starting to reshape the workplace. Studies indicate, they expect future employers to share their values and reflect their diversity. And that includes gender identities.

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